
The Factory

Based in Canberra, Australia, The Factory has established a reputation for high-quality, effective repairs and upgrades to vintage hi-fi and professional audio equipment.


What we do

We service and repair hi-fi, studio and public address systems from the 1970s on, including:

Amplifiers and receivers.


CD players.


Guitar and instrument amplifiers.

Speakers, sub-woofers and more.

What we don’t do

We don’t repair the following:

Portable equipment of any kind.

AV/HDMI receivers (5.1-7.1 etc) as these are usually designed to be disposable (despite their cost) or for board-level (rather than component-level) repair.


Soundbars, Bluetooth speakers, headphones, and similar devices. We also don’t re-foam speakers.

Reel-to-reel players and cassette decks. 

Purely mechanical devices.

Non-audio equipment (video, lighting, computing, etc).

DJ CD players and mixers; these devices are more computer than audio and are usually board-level repairs, not requiring component-level knowledge.

Musical instruments.

Car audio.

Any device made before 1970.


Any item where a repair has been attempted by the owner or elsewhere, as the consequences of such an attempt will likely not follow the logical progression of a “naturally occurring” fault.

Items from the following manufacturers: B&O, Krell, Sonos.




With decades of experience to draw on and using only the finest replacement parts, your equipment's best chance of resurrection is to be found at The Factory.

While high end equipment is a speciality, we repair most post-1960 audio gear. Don't throw away that old amplifier, speaker or turntable! It will probably sound a lot better than new equipment once it's been given some attention and could even turn out to be a classic.

Because we actually care about how your gear sounds and know how to get the best from it, you can be sure of the best possible results at The Factory.













Who would have thought in 1982 that the vinyl record would outlive CD? With the continuing rise of vinyl sales such an outcome looks quite possible. 

There is undeniable pleasure (beyond nostalgia) in playing a record. The size of the disc, the hands-on nature of it; watching that diamond track the groove, oh, and the potential sound quality.

We can get your record collection sounding better than it ever has before. Turntables are sensitive creatures; they need to be well set up and maintained to perform correctly. 

The Factory supplies turntables, arms and cartridges as well as providing all the maintenance your turntable needs to keep it spinning and good advice on arm/cartridge/turntable combinations.











Pro Sound

Thirty years of experience in the design, repair and use of professional audio equipment has yielded  an unrivaled knowledge of music industry technology. Valve amps are a specialty (and a passion). 
















please use the form below to make an inquiry or to schedule a repair.

Work is not ACCEPTED without a booking.


Business Hours: By Appointment only


toms crescent Ainslie, ACT 2602



Rogues gallery